When Love Comes Late - Chapter 1331

Chapter 1331


However, it rang again.
Hamilton was about to dismiss it when he heard Matthew’s voice.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?”
Matthew looked up at Hamilton, his smile faint but meaningful, silently urging him to take the call.
Confused but compelled, Hamilton answered.
The sound of his wife’s distressed crying filled his ear. “Hamilton, something terrible has happened! Our children are missing!
Panic surged through Hamilton. “What do you mean? How did that happen?”
“I… I don’t know.” Hamilton’s wife sobbed uncontrollably, struggling to breathe. “I went to pick up the children from kindergarten as usual, but the teacher said they’d already been collected. I’ve called our family and friends, but no one knows where they are. What do we do now?”
Feeling helpless, Hamilton could only reply, “I see,” before hanging up.
Turning to Matthew, he realized the significance of the look Matthew had given him earlier.
“Did you have something to do with this?” he demanded.
Matthew remained silent.
Hamilton’s frustration boiled over. “Mr. Clark, I’ve supported you.
Why would you target me like this?”
Still, Matthew offered no explanation, only lifting an eyebrow with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You’re behind the vandalism of my car, aren’t you?”
Hamilton’s world revolved around his twins. They were his treasure, and he had always cared for them meticulously. Now, with them missing, his mind was in turmoil.
However, it rang again.
Hamilton was about to dismiss it when he heard Matthew’s voice.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?”
Matthew looked up at Hamilton, his smile faint but meaningful, silently urging him to take the call.
Confused but compelled, Hamilton answered.
The sound of his wife’s distressed crying filled his ear. “Hamilton, something terrible has happened! Our children are missing!
Panic surged through Hamilton. “What do you mean? How did that happen?”
“I… I don’t know.” Hamilton’s wife sobbed uncontrollably, struggling to breathe. “I went to pick up the children from kindergarten as usual, but the teacher said they’d already been collected. I’ve called our family and friends, but no one knows where they are. What do we do now?”
Feeling helpless, Hamilton could only reply, “I see,” before hanging up.
Turning to Matthew, he realized the significance of the look Matthew had given him earlier.
“Did you have something to do with this?” he demanded.
Matthew remained silent.
Hamilton’s frustration boiled over. “Mr. Clark, I’ve supported you.
Why would you target me like this?”
Still, Matthew offered no explanation, only lifting an eyebrow with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You’re behind the vandalism of my car, aren’t you?”
Hamilton’s world revolved around his twins. They were his treasure, and he had always cared for them meticulously. Now, with them missing, his mind was in turmoil.
Reacting to Matthew’s accusation, Hamilton quickly defended himself.
“I didn’t paint your car. Please, look into it properly and don’t falsely accuse me.”
Matthew’s laughter was chilling. “How did you know my car was splashed with paint?”
Hamilton froze, realizing his slip. ” ” He faltered, unable to form a coherent response.
Matthew didn’t press him further. Standing, he adopted a colder tone.
“Shall we have an honest conversation now, Hamilton?”
Though phrased as a question, it was clear Hamilton had no option but to comply.
Reacting to Matthew’s accusation, Hamilton quickly defended himself.
“I didn’t paint your car. Please, look into it properly and don’t falsely accuse me.”
Matthew’s laughter was chilling. “How did you know my car was splashed with paint?”
Hamilton froze, realizing his slip. ” ” He faltered, unable to form a coherent response.
Matthew didn’t press him further. Standing, he adopted a colder tone.
“Shall we have an honest conversation now, Hamilton?”
Though phrased as a question, it was clear Hamilton had no option but to comply.

